Great stories have certain elements in common. Those elements that make us empathize with stories and their characters, and make us remember them.
As we can see from endless examples, the best marketers and marketing specialists tell phenomenal stories. Here’s how you can start building your sales with storytelling.
The best stories have 3 important parts: a nice hero who faces challenges and in the end emerges transformed. According to a model developed by the consultancy McKinsey, we can name these parts as situation, complication and resolution.
Speaking of a sales story, the hero is your prospect or potential customer who has several challenges in your business. Focus on your story to whom you can solve.
Do not describe how good your product or service is – but how you can it transform their life. The key is to show the difference between your situation without you and with you – between what is and what could be.
While stories are a tool for our brains to understand and organize information, a narrative is not enough to make the buying decision.
Narrative helps us create a bond with the prospect, but to make that decision to become a customer, you need information. Therefore, storytelling that contributes to sales has to appeal to both the logical and the emotional.
Concretely: Describe your value proposition. Think about where you can introduce a real life story that is connected to your product or service. Make it personal and friendly.
You are now ready to start increasing your sales with storytelling!
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