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One of the principles of your digital strategy is to determine the goals of your presence on digital platforms. It all starts with your website, and it’s also probably a good idea to use social media.


The reasons for its use are many: brand building, opinion leadership, customer engagement etc., but not all of them are useful to achieve the same goals. Nowadays we have immense amounts of data from our audiences at our reach, which marketing specialists of the past could only dream of.


Social networks of their nature are based on the sharing of personal data, preferences, values ​​and activities. Here’s why it’s so important to use the data we have to segment your audiences on social media.



Different audiences

Each social media has its typical user or dominant user group, so among these users certain types of content will be more relevant than others. So it is important to know what kind of audience you are spreading your content. Start with the differences between the different social media you might be using: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, Google+


Once you have established your mix of social media and the resources to produce content to each of them, consider the option of having more than one account in each network you are using. In order to be able to offer more and more relevant content to your audience, it may be worth having an account for questions and help for clients, another for industry news or educational content.



Choosing the Right Time

We all know that choosing the right time is very important in marketing, but it is especially important in social media. Scheduling your publications at different times of the day is reasonable if your audiences are in different countries and time zones, but it can also help you reach specific audiences you have not been able to reach before.


Research and test the best times and to schedule your future activities around the optimum hours discovered.



Analysis of your social ROI

The purpose of analysis is to find correlations that will move your sales. Targeting your audience helps you find and define more detailed correlations between content, audience, network, and timing of publication. And at the end of the day, social media marketing is about sending the right message, on the right channel, to the right audience, at the right time.


Obtaining the necessary information from your audiences to be able to build this process will help grow your audiences, conversions, and lately, profits.


You’re ready to start targeting your audiences on social media! Do you have questions or would you like to add something to this post? We look forward to your comment!


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Guia Publicidad en las Redes Sociales



    Product Excellence@2x

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